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​Dr. Lonnie S. Gross and our staff are committed to helping you receive and achieve a well balanced objective care plan. With the combination of over 30 years of clinical skill and expertise that spans to fit everyone's clinical needs. Our goal is to help you achieve better health and a superior way of life by educating, teaching, practicing the philosophy, and science of chiropractic care with an eclectic approach to help you reach your personal goals.

​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.

​Each joint in the body must have a maximal free range of motion. The precise techniques in our therapies will help maintain and restore proper movement and alignment when there is spinal, muscular, neurological, or joint dysfunction. These occur in everyday life when we bend, lift, cough, sneeze, participate in gym or sport activities, a motor vehicle accident or work related incidents. 

Joint Specific Techniques

Therapeutic Exercises

Exercises are personally prescribed and instructed to affair the many specific physical benefits, such as to achieve or maintain range of motion, strengthening of weakened muscles, and increase joint flexibility or improve endurance.

Multiple treatments can be administered together with the primary chiropractic manipulative therapy to assist in improving the status of your condition. Treatments such as electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and trigger point therapies.

Adjunctive Therapy

Sports Injuries

Flexibility Training ​

Postural Reeducation

We will provide you with a practical approach along with regular training opportunities during your clinical visits; by the analysis, assessment and management of your spinal and musculo-skeletal condition. These opportunities will help you gain control of your posture and learn how to keep it corrected.

Flexibility training can provide you with an enhanced ability to move through a full range of motion.  Full range of motion will allow for more enhanced movement around the joints which means a better posture, less muscle tension and soreness, reduced risk of injury, and a more relaxed mind and body.

​As a board certified athletic trainer and exercise physiologist, Dr. Gross will be able to diagnose you through movement and palpation analysis. He can treat, strengthen, and educate you on sports related injuries encountered.

 Pain Management ​

At our center we will diagnose if your pain. Pain is a signal to potential or actual damage to the body. Pain can arise from an injury as well as disease. To many times our patients say "maybe it will go away", after the message is received and interpreted, further pain can be counter productive, it can have a negative impact on a person's quality of life and impede recovery. Unrelieved pain can be a syndrome and cause a downward spiral in a person's health. We will help you manage your pain and enhance recovery, prevent and reduce additional complications and improve your quality of life.

Massage Therapy

Our highly trained therapist will help promote circulation, suppleness, and relaxation. Massage therapy can help reduce or remove stiffness, aches and pains which are often associated with everyday activities and over use. Injunction with chiropractic therapy a more complete and relaxed level of wellness is often achieved.

​Core Strengthening

Our balanced programs develop deep and superficial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body. The abdominals and muscles of the back especially. By accomplishing the programs prescribed for you they will strengthen these muscles which will more effectively support the spine and keep your body stable and balanced. When you learn how to strengthen your core, it will significantly help reduce back pain and firm your abdomen.

value. ​quality care. convenience.

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